
The most effective way to manage content

CCMS(Call Content Management System)

It is a solution that allows you to easily and quickly produce imaged content and send it to target customers without a separate design tool.

It can connect web pages according to the purpose, and supports more efficient contact center operation through functions such as surveys.

Main function
  • Create and send customized content

    You can easily set and send visual messages that fit your call situation without design tools. It provides a variety of functions necessary for content production, such as preview, URL copy, and new window opening functions.

  • Content History Management

    You can create and register content, check the history of modification and deletion, and manage it easily.

  • Service access statistics

    For messages sent, we provide dispatch results and access statistics according to various filters such as department/service type/content type/duration.

  • Conducting a survey

    Survey questions can be set and sent according to various conditions to conduct satisfaction surveys for services and counselors.

  • Department and employee management

    You can manage department and employee data for agent information mapping.

  • Dashboard support and integrated management

    It helps efficient content operation management by providing a dashboard screen that allows you to check the progress of each department and the status of service delivery the previous day at a glance.

  • Provide customized content for call situations

    When connecting to a call, we provide appropriate content for the purpose of the call from Ringing to End Call to support complete customer service.

  • Reduce consultation time and improve response rates

    You can quickly and effectively respond to customers by sharing voice-guided content on the customer's smartphone screen during the call.

  • Customer call connection rate increase

    Visual access to caller information, such as phone purpose, department, and employee name, can increase call success rates, especially for items that require customer calls, which increases work efficiency.

  • Efficient management of the administrator's agent

    It is possible to effectively distribute mobile content to each counselor and efficiently manage counseling work and services through counseling-related satisfaction surveys at the desired time.

  • Improve customer understanding of the call

    By providing content on a mobile screen to customers with low understanding of product contracts and processes, you can improve your consultation understanding and reduce the burden on your agents.

  • Delivering an orderly brand image

    Corporate branding is possible with an organized image through content tailored to tone and manner.

  • Complete customer care

    Depending on the call situation, mobile pages can be sent immediately to increase service completeness for customers.

  • Financial companies such as banks, securities, insurance, etc

    Financial companies that need to check various financial information and respond to customers

  • Public institutions and local governments

    Public institutions and local governments that need public relations and civil petitioners for their activities, as well as sending and receiving work

  • Info Push

    Provide appropriate content on the smartphone screen of the customer and the counselor according to the pre-call, in-call, and post-call conditions.

  • Agent Push

    The counselor who is on the phone with the customer sends the information they want to the web screen.

The Beginning of the Platform Business

Call Connect

It's a great service for platforms that deploy their businesses on the phone.

Flexible customization for your business environment.

Main function
  • Provide and manage individual 070 numbers

    Provides a number pool for the platform, and allows each professional counselor to assign and manage a unique 070 number.

  • Greeting Settings

    Each professional counselor can set up his or her own greeting individually.

  • Caller Number Protection Processing

    By masking caller numbers from customers and providing them to professional counselors, you can limit non-contractual communication.

  • Call connection management and voice transmission

    Depending on the setting of the company, you can manage the call connection and provide related guidance and voice messages to professional counselors and customers.

  • Support for selective call connectivity

    Depending on the setting of the company, you can connect the call in any way you want, between VoIP and wired connection.

  • Configuration of free call content

    Through API linkage, you can provide professional counselors and customers with content that companies want to provide before and during calls.

  • Efficient platform participant (expert) management

    Individually assigned unique 070 numbers allow you to connect or manage numbers and calls.

  • Mutual privacy protection

    There is no need for direct connection between professional counselors and customers, so they can protect their personal information.

  • Business-specific flexible monetary system configuration

    You can flexibly configure the call status and connection method according to the platform business, environment, and policy.

  • Protecting Experts from Black Consumer

    Professional counselors can be protected from black consumers by restricting counseling calls when the contracted call time runs out.

  • Legal counseling platform

    Connect the customer and registered legal professionals (e.g., lawyers, patent attorneys, lawyers, etc.) to the call according to the contracted information.

  • Tax consultation platform

    Connect the customer and registered tax specialist to the call consultation according to the contracted information.

  • Fortune-telling platforms

    Connect call counseling with customers and registered fortune tellers according to the contracted information.

  • 1:1 Telephone Foreign Language

    Connect the customer and registered foreign language specialist to the call consultation according to the contracted information.

  • Call

    Mobile VoIP service provides 070 numbers to answer calls and manage customers without revealing personal numbers.

    Call Service Inquiry
  • Info Push

    Provide appropriate content on the smartphone screen of the customer and the counselor according to the pre-call, in-call, and post-call conditions.

Complete transition to digital channels

Visible ARS construction type

It provides services centered on web-based screens to customers who are drawn into voice channels.

You can freely configure scenarios and provide functions regardless of the voice ARS menu.

Main function
  • Digital channel provision

    It is possible to provide customers with easier experiences by providing services through digital channels to customers who are drawn into voice channels.

  • Provide consulting tailored to your needs

    You can experience effective consultation by providing consulting to build ARS services optimized for customer characteristics and needs.

  • Composition of free scenarios

    You can freely configure scenarios regardless of the VoiceARS menu, providing optimized functionality for consultation.

  • Various authentication methods

    Various authentication methods are applied to improve customer convenience so that they do not experience inconvenience due to authentication.

  • Customized response

    We can understand the history of customer service use and provide a connected customer service.

  • Specialization of counseling services

    Simple inquiries are reduced, allowing counselors to focus on advanced and specialized tasks, making them more efficient.

  • O.K. without a mobile app

    You can use the service almost the same as the app through a simple authentication procedure without installing a mobile app.

  • Increase in self-service area

    By building services based on the mother web, the areas that customers can handle themselves increase.

  • Effect of reducing connected calls to counselors

    As self-service processing increases, the number of connected calls to counselors decreases naturally, enabling efficient context center operation.

  • Digital ARS

    Web-based digital channel solutions can provide visible ARS services without voice calls.

  • Web Voice

    It provides real-time conversion of ARS menus and voice guidance content to two-way web screens.

Rational cloud plan

Visible ARS cloud interworking

You can use digital ARS in the cloud without a gateway or content server at a reasonable price on monthly payment or connection.

Main function
  • Cloud-type service

    It provides services in the form of a cloud without additional equipment, making both spatial and cost-effective.

  • A variety of customized technologies

    There are various technologies such as Digital ARS, Web Voice, EWV, Text Voice, etc. and we can work together according to your situation.

  • Customized contract selection

    The flexibility to choose and use Monthly or Annual contracts according to your situation and circumstances reduces the burden significantly.

  • Implement without developing complex system interworking

    The service can be implemented sufficiently without developing complex and difficult system interworking, so the customer's understanding is high.

  • Go to the designated website

    As soon as the call is connected, you can go to your designated website and show the content you want right away, making it immediate and efficient.

  • Improvement in self-service throughput

    By connecting to the designated website, it is possible to induce processing by self-service and distribute the processing of consultation calls in a concentrated situation.

  • Effective response to off-duty hours

    You can respond effectively through the website when the counselor is not working.

  • Effective operation at reasonable cost

    You can implement the digitalARS environment at a reasonable price and effectively carry out your phone work.

  • Digital ARS

    Web-based digital channel solutions can provide visible ARS services without voice calls.

  • Web Voice

    It provides real-time conversion of ARS menus and voice guidance content to two-way web screens.

  • EWV

    You can implement the ARS service that allows you to view standard HTML pages in conjunction with voice ARS.

  • Text Voice

    Display ARS menu and voice guidance content in real-time text captions.

Future of the Context Center

Visual AI

Use the multi-modal UI that you can see with words and eyes.

Visualize the conversation between the callbot and the customer in real time and display it on the screen.

Main function
  • Diversification of content

    Diversification of content It can deliver content with words, eyes, and hearing to satisfy areas that are difficult to deliver only by voice.

  • Simultaneous voice and screen transmission

    By simultaneously providing the output to the voice and screen, you can quickly access the information you want and improve the delivery power that was previously insufficient.

  • Accuracy improvement

    It induces customers to pronounce correctly on their own and helps provide more accurate information.

  • Expansion of mobile web channels

    Various mobile web-based content allows you to expand your channel service area, enabling a wide range of consultations rather than fragmentary consultations.

  • Broad coverage

    Based on Colgate's patent, it is commonly used for all mobile platforms in terms of driving and coverage.

  • AI recognition rate improvement

    It creates a virtuous cycle structure that improves AI recognition rate by increasing AI processing rate and accumulating machine learning data.

  • Improvement of service satisfaction

    The connection request rate of counselors decreases and service satisfaction improves.

  • Improve convenience by shortening the construction period

    Convenience is maximized while dramatically shortening the construction period through web-based construction.

  • Visual AI

    Display and analyze conversations with AI counselors on the screen to suggest or connect recommended services.

Safe telephone for customers

Multimedia caller display service

When a company makes an outbound call to a customer, on the customer's smartphone screen, Display multimedia sender information consisting of text and images.

Multimedia sender information is freely designed and produced by the customer company.

Main function
  • Inbound and outbound calls are provided

    In addition to outbound calls, it is possible to provide various call services to inbound calls in conjunction with IVR.

  • Providing contextual images

    Different images can be applied depending on the situation, such as customer, hour, department, and work, to reliably convey the information before consultation.

  • Carrier-free

    It is provided to CallGate Client holders without restrictions from carriers, and has a wide coverage.

  • Various telephone forms

    Call centers, regular phones, and Internet phones are all applicable, so you can make various calls.

  • Flexible display of information

    In conjunction with the call system and time frame, display information can be changed in real time (e.g., corporate CI, employees, departments, call objectives, etc.).

  • Improvement in incoming success rate

    The success rate of incoming calls increases by guiding the purpose of the call.

  • Increased confidence in corporate brands

    Increase customer confidence in corporate outbound calls.

  • Delivery of a well-organized brand image

    It is possible to brand a company with an organized image through visuals.

  • Info Push Prologue

    Provide incoming and outgoing information (CI) as content to customers before making a call.

Care for missed customers

Missed call information pop-up service

If you make an outbound call to a customer and the customer does not answer the phone, A pop-up message page for missed calls will be provided on the customer's smartphone screen.

Callback can be guided or self-service can be induced through the phone connection button on the page.

Main function
  • Enhanced callback function

    Pressing the phone connection button makes callback possible immediately, reducing missed counseling.

  • Non-face-to-face service provision

    The self-service page link button provides customers with non-face-to-face service options without connecting to a counselor.

  • Carrier-free

    It is provided to CallGate Client holders without restrictions from carriers, and has a wide coverage.

  • Various telephone forms

    Call centers, regular phones, and Internet phones are all applicable, so you can make various calls.

  • Flexible display of information

    In conjunction with the call system and time frame, display information can be changed in real time (e.g., corporate CI, employees, departments, call objectives, etc.).

  • Improved content accessibility

    Pop-up immediately after the call ends to increase access to the content.

  • Improve customer reliability

    Increase customer confidence by notifying the purpose of the call.

  • Delivery of a well-organized brand image

    It is possible to brand a company with an organized image through visuals.

  • Info Push Epilogue

    Provides appropriate mobile content tailored to your needs at the end of the call.

Smart customer management

Mobile channel connection service

We will guide customers who call the representative number to voice channels and mobile channels.
Automatically pop up mobile web or apps to customers who want mobile channel services.

Through the mobile channel connection service, you can guide you through Kakao Talk counseling and chatbot services with a single touch.

Main function
  • Free content pop-up

    Any mobile web that complies with HTML standards can pop up and create content freely, making it more versatile.

  • High content retention

    When running the app, parameters are delivered in real time to maintain the same session as the phone channel and the app channel.Therefore, it is efficient to show content simultaneously.

  • Self-service induction

    Customer management is facilitated by inducing customers with self-services such as KakaoTalk counseling and chatbot services to reduce the rate of customer departure during counseling.

  • Flexible determination of app installation

    If the app is not installed on your mobile, you can link it to an alternative page or download page and display the content without interruption.

  • All OS support

    It applies to both AOS and iOS environments, and can be applied in both busy and end-of-call situations, so the range of use is wide.

  • Improvement in self-service throughput

    By connecting to the designated website, it is possible to induce processing by self-service and distribute the processing of consultation calls in a concentrated situation

  • Effective response to off-duty hours

    You can respond effectively through the website when the counselor is not working.

  • Improvement in service completeness

    When the call connection is delayed or the call is terminated, you can connect to the mobile page to continue your work on behalf of the counselor or ARS and take care of the customer smartly.

  • VDL

    If you select the ARS specific menu, you will be connected to the mobile web, app, chat consultation (including Kakao Talk), and the call will be terminated.

  • DMS

    It delivers mobile content easily and quickly in a preset format.

  • Agent Push

    The counselor who is on the phone with the customer sends the information they want to the web screen.

  • Info Push Epilogue

    Provides appropriate mobile content tailored to your needs at the end of the call.

Quickly and quickly on mobile

Consultation Satisfaction · Survey

It can lead to higher response rates such as website users, URL SMS sending, email sending, etc.

If a single survey is required, it can be carried out quickly without a large cost or expenditure.

Main function
  • Content immediate pop-up

    You can use it for sales and marketing purposes by pop-up your desired content immediately when the call is busy or when the call ends.

  • Affordable and rich content

    You can collect a large amount of customer responses at a low cost and use them actively for future marketing.

  • One free survey service

    If you use it in conjunction with various services of Colgate, we will provide a free survey service (first time).

  • Improvement in survey response rate

    It can lead to higher response rates such as website users, URL SMS sending, email sending, etc.

  • Fast and fast progress

    In the case of a one-off survey, it can be implemented quickly without spending a lot of money.

  • VDL

    If you select the ARS specific menu, you will be connected to the mobile web, app, chat consultation (including Kakao Talk), and the call will be terminated.

  • DMS

    It delivers mobile content easily and quickly in a preset format.

  • Agent Push

    The counselor who is on the phone with the customer sends the information they want to the web screen.

  • Info Push Epilogue

    Provides appropriate mobile content tailored to your needs at the end of the call.

CallGate will be
your successful partner.

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